Sunday, October 29, 2006

This is who I am. ..

What make a person a Christan? What makes them NOT a Christian? Having a drink, cussing, flipping someone off, and yelling at your parents. OR Going to chruch, reading the bible, attending two small groups, seeking advice about life, seeking to help those of less fourtune, and talking to God daily. You would think that these are two different people. The descriptions fit the steriotypical 'christian' and 'non-christian,' don't they? So who's who? Who is the Christan and who doesn't care about life, Christ, other people, or really what happens to them. not nessisarily an atheist, but basically, right?
NO, wrong. My name is Elizabeth Rogers and this is who I am...
Both of these descriptions defines me. I'm not perfect, but I still Love and Follow God to the best of my ability. I pray to him everyday, seek his advice through others, read the Bible, talk to him, yell at him, cry to him. i believe in him and i know him, and he KNOWS me. But wait., there's more. Yes, i do cuss when i get mad, or when i want to put a certain emphasis on something. It's not like i've never been to a party before, or had a drink, i'm not hard core, don't think that, but i'm not perfect. End of story. I don't think that my parents are always right and i don't always like them, but that doesn't mean that i don't love them.
I have struggled, and still do struggle with Depression. NO I'm not EMO and I don't cut my wrists for attention. But i get down, i fall, and i can't find a way out. i screw up and can't confess, i can't figure out who i am, where i'm supposed to go, or why the hell i'm in the posision that i'm in. i think things that i shouldn't. try things that i should. i've done some dammage to my body, but that's another entry. For now, just DON'T Judge me!
I am a Christian, my best friend is a Jewish Carpenter, I live for God, and I've been saved over and over again, and I am SITLL being SAVED. I've screwed up, i've messed up, i'm not perfect, i'm screwing up as i type this. I've asked for forgiveness, and i'm asking for it now. I'm lost. I'm scared. I'm learning. I am found. I love God. My name is Elizabeth Rogers....and this is who i am.

Peace Be With You


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