Wednesday, April 04, 2007

In search of humility

I think we all struggle with humility. I think everyone has moments where they get annoyed with someone, and think they are better than them, subconciously. Or we do something, because we want to be recognized, and don't even realize it. It's not easy to be humble, on the contrary I think it might possibly be one of the hardest things to control. That, my friends, is why I decided to write about it, because it's something I struggle with, and I think you struggle with.
Trying to practice humility has been a goal of my for 2007, and, I'll tell you, once I made it a goal, it audimatically became WAY harder than it ever had been. I found myself very conciouse of the fact that I think that girl is INCREDIBLY annoying and I just want her to SHUT UP, but than I'm like
"No no, humble yourself, you can do it, just take a breath and forget about it." well that just makes me think about it more. IT'S SO HARD! So I've been trying to recognize when I'm NOT humble, and I've been doing that, but stopping is hard. I feel like there is a part of me that wants to be humble and the other half just doesn't care, and keeps on thinking the same way. It is really hard for me to deal with this. I find myself praying about it constantly.
I guess those are my thoughts for tonight, I need to get some rest, I'm incredibly tired.
Peace and Love


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