
People often say "Oh you're a pasifist, well would you have killed Hitler, if you had the chance?" or "What if someone comes to your house with a gun and is going to kill your family, will you just stand back and let them?" I don't know what it is about other people trying to prove that pasifism isn't real, but I guess that's just what we have to deal with. Both of these questions are hard to answere, but not impossible. If I ever find myself in either of those situations then I would hope that I would react in a way that would be the most peaceful, but I can't honestly tell you what I would do because I've never been in a situation like that. I think there are other ways to stop someone from killing your family than killing them emediatly.
I think it is also hard to look at the world we live in and honestly believe that I can live peacefully and that the world will come to peace, but I do believe that, I truly do. I think that it's really hard for people to look at a pasifist and look at them realisticly, because there isn't much hope for peace now days, but I assure you that I am a realist AND I am a pasifist...It can be done.
I think the reason that I'm so passionate about trying to live a peaceful life is because there is so much war and violance in this world and I don't see ANY good that comes from it. Yes countries gain land, and people gain freedome, but at the same time hundreds, thousands, and millions of people die, and I don't think that it's worth it. If we just figured out a way to peacefully agree, I feel things would go better. And maybe the agreement wouldn't work, but AT LEAST make the steps toward being peaceful, and saving thousands, if not millions of lives...
I don't see any good in killing ANYONE...I really don't. I don't care if they have killed thousands of people, killing them is only hypocracy.
I will say that just because I have chosen pasifism for ME it doesn't mean that I'm saying that EVERYONE needs to be a pasifist, this is MY choice for MY life, not yours.
So Peace friends and God bless